Lizi Liao
Assistant Professor
Lee Kong Chian Fellow
School of Computing and Information Systems
Singapore Management University
lzliao at smu dot edu dot sg
Office: SCIS2-4056
[Google Scholar]
I am a faculty member of the
School of Computing and Information Systems at
SMU. My research explores two questions: What are the underlying principles of humans understanding conversation context as well as making proper responses, and how we can implement them on machine learning models? Research on this topic has to necessarily be at the intersection of Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing and Multimedia. My group is specifically interested in task-oriented dialogues, proactive conversational agents, and multimodal conversational search and recommendation as the application target. I received my Ph.D. from NUS, advised by Professor
Tat-Seng Chua.

I'm recruiting 0-2 new PhD student(s) every intake batch (apply to
PhD program and list me as a potential advisor). Our group also has multiple positions for summer interns and visiting research students. Please feel free to email me with your CV if you are interested.
CoAgent Lab
Jinggui Liang (PhD student)
Huy Dao (PhD student, SMU Presidential Doctoral Fellowship)
Zhihan Zhang (PhD student)
Shuai Lin (PhD student from HIT Shenzhen, co-supervise)
Yuqi Chu (Visiting Research student from Hefei University of Technology)
Xiaofeng Zhou (Visiting Research student from Beijing Institute of Technology)
Kun Zhu (Visiting Research student from Harbin Institute of Technology)
Bohan Li (Visiting Research student from Harbin Institute of Technology)
Tao He (Visiting student from HIT)
Zhonghua Zheng (Visiting student from HIT Shenzhen)
Suyu Liu (Master student)
Shasha Guo (Visiting student from RUC, now in ICT)
Chengyu Huang (Visiting student from NUS, now in NUS)
Tongyao Zhu (Visiting student from NUS, now in NUS)
Chenchen Ye (Visiting student from NUS, now in UCLA)
Yuxia Wu (Visiting student from XJTU, now in Huawei)
Organizing Committee:
- ACL, EMNLP, NAACL, COLING 2024, Area Chair
- SIGIR 2024, Doctoral Consortium Chair
- The Web Conference 2024 (known as WWW), Local Arrangements Chair
- WSDM 2023, Finance and Registration Chair
- NLPCC 2022, 2023, Area Chair
- ACM Multimedia 2019, Program design
Senior Programe Committee Member:
- International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2021)
When I have spare time, I enjoy reading books, hiking, and dancing.
Webpage template borrowed from Prof.